
Sharon Robertson

Ben is 10 years old and a Maltese Shih Tzu with a dash of poodle. He is the best natured dog and International dog, who was born in Manly, Sydney. He was getting very stiff in the joints and not wanting to jump on the couch or even up the steps. He is now bouncing around the place like a puppy again after taking Doggy Daily once a day! I Love Doggy Daily and so does Ben. I have been giving it to Ollie as well who is a full Shih Tzu (with emphasis on sh*t) who is 3 years old.

Sharon Robertson

29th May 2019

Rachel Hope

After Gabe was diagnosed with MAST cell tumors our lovely local vet Dr Heidi recommended we use a product she had just discovered, researched and recommended.

We got some via the Annan Stretton webpage and I was not sure what Gabe would think of it, or if he would even eat it. I hid some in a ball of mince but Gabe simply split it in half a bit like a pinyata and I was amazed to see him not only eat it but then lick the bowl with great satisfaction. We now just sprinkle it on whatever he is having for dinner and its gobbled up in seconds.

Rachel Hope

21st December 2018


We just love the Doggy Daily Sprinkle Supplement. Ever since we have started using it, Trixies coat has been so much softer and Shinier. Plus Trixie loves the taste and has been loving that little bit of extra flavour in her food!


14th December 2018

Roni Albert

I have two adorable dogs named Nui and Pipi. Nui is an 8 year old male Maltese Shitzu and Pipi is a female Miniature Toy Maltese that I have had from the Dog Rescue for 7 years.

They both had an unhealthy lifestyle and have been very picky and finicky about their food. Nui has been overweight for a while and unfortunately has dog lupus, a condition that has been challenging to deal with and find a cure for. Pipi, on the other hand, has always eaten whatever she decides she wants on any day. This was the case until they were introduced to the RAW food mix which is comprised of healthy raw meats like possum, duck, kangaroo, and venison mince with a range of grated veggies such as carrot, broccoli, courgette, cucumber, and ginger. The diet also includes a range of healthy seeds and oils as well as dried produce for each meal.

The impact of this diet has been awesome with the hope that they will live longer and their particular sicknesses will deplete. I didn’t think they would maintain a healthy diet for long but it has been about 6 months since they’ve been introduced to the RAW food mix and they are still keeping up with it. Nui has since lost weight and is more energetic. Before he started the diet he was 9.3 kg and he is now 8.4 kg. Likewise, Pipi is also very energetic, she is now, unfortunately, spending time running around at night playing up and down the corridor, something she has never done before. She’s 13 years old, going blind and deaf but not that you’d notice with her change of energy thanks to changing to a healthy eating regime.

I certainly believe that the increased energy is from the products and dietary changes that have been implemented for them at home. Processed foods no longer form a part of Nui’s diet and Pipi has very limited processed food, she has one tin per day as well as her raw food and her brother’s food!

I wish for my dogs to live long and healthy lives, this diet will definitely ensure that this is the case.

Nga mihi

Roni Albert

21st July 2018


I have 4 little dogs who are now all following a RAW food diet for the last few months where I have been adding the Doggie Daily Sprinkle.

I began to research more around dogs and their diets when one of them was diagnosed with epilepsy with no known aetiology and we weren’t managing to gain effective control over her seizures with conventional intervention.

She remains medicated but since the introduction of the unique sprinkle formula she has now been seizure free for the last 6 weeks, her energy levels have increased, she has an amazing lust for life and dinner time now involves 360 spins followed by enthusiastic consumption.

The dogs have never been healthier! They love dinner time whereas before they didn’t have a lot of interest in the dry biscuits we used to give them and were clearly eating just enough of them to get buy. The sprinkle is also an aid in effectively assisting with natural worming and de-fleaing.

There has been such a noticeable transition in all of them, the 3 are eldest are now obviously more youthful with much higher energy levels, all of them have shiny coats and their stools are perfect!!

I’m a big fan!

Rebecca x

23rd July 2018


I have been feeding my dogs a mix of raw veggies and raw meat, supplemented with Doggie Daily for the last 6 months.

As a dog owner of many years, I have simply accepted the diseases as they have arrived. Many of my fur babies have died well before their time and resulted in large and costly vet bills with no real results.

The change in food seems to have solved many of the past wellness issues we have had and has certainly optimised their weight and overall health. With Doggie Daily and a raw food diet also assisting as a natural wormer and tick and flea preventer, I’ve also further minimised the chemicals I have had to give them, whilst eliminating all processed food from their diets.

Sure it takes me a little more time but I’m hoping this time will result in them giving me more of their years to enjoy, so this is possibly one of the best trades off I have made in a while.


23rd July 2018

Lana & Louie