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Doggy Daily Lovers

Her paws have reverted back to a snowy white!

by Claudia Harrop 16 Jan 2025
Her paws have reverted back to a snowy white!
Our English/American bulldog has had allergies for 7 of the past 9 years.

We have spent literally thousands of dollars on her; to paint a picture - her pet insurance for the condition reached its lifetime limit within the first year. 

She was diagnosed by the specialists at The Skin Vet as being allergic to grass.

So began the cycle of daily Apoquel tablets, (year round) combined with monthly Cytopoint injections. Easily $300+ a month. Prednisone for the really bad flare ups. Supplement-wise, you name it, we've tried it. Medicated shampoos, raw food diet.... We've exhausted all options.

And it's not been nice for her either!! There's the constant yeast infections in her ears; she's had to wear baby socks with elastic sewn in to keep her from chewing on her feet; her chin has been raw and bleeding from rubbing it on the carpet; her feet were permanently pink with a deep rusty tinge surrounding her paw pads. 

In October last year I saw your ad on Facebook and thought might as well give it a try, we've spent this much on her why stop now haha

I didn't notice any difference till about 3-4 weeks ago, when I realized her paws have reverted back to a snowy white. 

She was due her Cytopoint injection in December, normally if we're a day late she flares up. I wanted to see what would happen if she missed it, just to eliminate things and work out what has helped. 

I think by now it's safe to say it's the senior doggy daily!

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